Local Businesses Genysys Engine and Learning Me Collaborated To Explore The Impact Of AI In The Classroom And Examine How It Is Revolutionising Education.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we live, work and learn every day. We collaborated with Learning Me Ltd Belfast to host an event titled ‘Rethinking Education with AI’ in Largymore Primary School, Lisburn on the 11th May 2023. Our CEO Emma McClenaghan was joined by Bernard Noble, co-founder and pedagogical lead of Learning Me and fellow co-founder Nicole O’Connor to outline the benefits and challenges of integrating AI into education for both teachers and students.

Panel Discussions: Discussing The Benefits and Challenges of AI in Education

Our panel discussed the benefits of using AI in education, with its ability to personalise learning, improve accessibility for all learners, provide purposeful feedback and create engaging and interactive learning experiences. Moreover, a discussion of the challenges posed by AI included barriers to entry, potential plagiarism concerns and bias of human-created technology.

Table Talks: Impact of AI on Educational Themes

The event also featured table talks on a variety of educational themes that are set to be impacted by AI. Important discussions were had on how AI can affect cognitive, social and emotional development, as well as the importance of developing critical thinking skills with students to discern fact from fiction. Furthermore, the future of assessment in schools and personalised learning was also discussed, with attendees reflecting on the current provision in the rapidly changing educational landscape.

Exploring AI Tools in Education

In addition to the thought-provoking panel discussions, we highlighted various AI tools that could be utilised in education. These tools included Quillbot, Bard and Curipod alongside many others. (See our Resource List for more!).
We even got the opportunity to showcase our new intelligent AI website assistant- Wally! This implementation will allow us to further collaborate with small businesses to achieve their goals online. To conclude the event, teachers, Chynel McCrink, Danielle McKernan and Louise Kerr presented in a TeachMeet, showcasing some of their favourite digital tools: TextHelp’s Equatio, Google’s Quick Draw and Microsoft 365’s Copilot. Thus, further demonstrating the practical applications of AI in facilitating innovation approaches in education.

Ai website assistant by genysys engine

Positive Reception and Future Implications of AI in Education

Our “Rethinking Education with AI” event proved to be a success, generating significant interest in the potential of AI to revolutionise education. Bernard Noble, co-founder of Learning Me expressed his enthusiasm for co-hosting a powerful event and emphasised the importance of a collaborative exploration of the challenges and opportunities in a “rapidly changing technological landscape”. The event also received positive feedback on various social media platforms. Chynel McCrink wrote on Twitter: “I absolutely adored this fantastic evening hosted at Largymore Primary School by Learning Me and Genysys Engine. We were just spoiled with resources, ideas, treats, supportive conversations, fab spot prizes and demonstrations of robotics by Activity NI. This is Teacher Professional Learning (TPL) at its best.”

Embracing AI in Education: Inspiring Future Learning

Genysys Engine is proud to have been part of this transformative experience for educators. The discussions, demonstrations and interactions throughout the event highlighted just how beneficial AI can be! We are excited to further collaborate with partners like Learning Me to harness the power of AI to unlock new possibilities for the next generation as we believe AI has the power to revolutionise learning experiences and equip learners with the skills they need to thrive in a rapidly transformative world.